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Psychiatric Clinic for Sale in Mumbai, India

Centre for psycho- education assessment and remedial for children with special needs, based in Mumbai.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 35.4 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 35.4 thousand
EBITDA Margin 20 %
Industries Psychiatric Clinics
Locations  Mumbai
Local Time 2:19 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 770 thousand (Native Currency: INR 65,000,000)
Reason: - The owner is looking to retire. - The valuation is based on the intellectual property & the resea... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 65 thousand
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Business Overview
- We provide psycho-education assessment and remedial for children with special needs.
- The owner has an experience of 11 years in the field and is a certified psychologist.
- Completed more than 200+ reports in psycho-educational evaluations.
- Taking sessions for 4 clients per month and charging INR 18,000 to 60,000 per client depending upon the services.
- Having clients in India, Dubai, the US, etc.
- Conducted several webinars and courses on various topics related to learning disabilities.
- Have grown by word-of-mouth and without any marketing initiatives.
Products & Services Overview
The services include:
- Psycho-educational assessments for children.
- Special education remedial services for children.
- Occupational Therapy with handwriting improvement program for children.
Assets Overview
- Tangible assets include renovation, furniture and fixtures.
- Intangible assets include goodwill and database.
Facilities Overview
Owned space in Andheri West consisting of two levels- lower and mezzanine floor, giving us the benefit of conducting 2-3 sessions at a time.
Capitalization Overview
- There is 1 owner with 100% owner of the business.
- The business is funded by monthly flow of the business.
- There are no loans or debts.
Recent Activity
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