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Commercial Land Investors in Brescia

Showing 1 - 14 of 446 Commercial Land Investors in Brescia. Buy or Sell your Commercial Land or a Commercial Plot.

  • Commercial Land

  • Brescia

Owner, Trucks & Car Transport

Individual Buyer in Lombardy, Italy

Interests: I am looking for a medium-sized real estate business that has been running for at least the last 5 years.
Background: I have worked in my family owned business for last 10 years as a contractor and then moved on to start my own car dealership and logistic transport firm.
8.6 / 10
Europe + 119 more
Commercial Land + 124 more
Investment Size
USD 110 K - 1.1 Mn
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Owner, Industrial Roofing

Corporate Acquirer in Cremona, Italy

Interests: A strong industrial perspective. We see industrial clients every day, we are used to evaluating the solvency of a client at the first glance.
Background: We do industrial roofing, and we have 40 years of history in the industry. We are looking to expand.
7.5 / 10
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 44 K
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Interests: Business with a growing model and potential.
Background: I have experience in an M&A advisory company. I am seeking opportunities for myself.
7.2 / 10
Lombardy + 2 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 17 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 217 K
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Interests: Business with a growing model and potential.
Background: I have experience in an M&A advisory company. I am seeking opportunities for myself.
7.2 / 10
Lombardy + 2 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 17 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 217 K
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Founder & Managing Partner, Investments

Corporate Acquirer in Milan, Italy

Interests: High EBITDA and high growth. Recurring revenue & stable cash flow.
Background: Investment company founded by 20 CEOs dedicated to accelerating the growth of excellent SMEs through growth capital combined with the support of a top-level managerial & network club.
9.2 / 10
Italy + 3 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 26 more
Investment Size
USD 2.2 Mn - 55 Mn
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Board Of Director, Technology - IT Services

Corporate Acquirer in Milan, Italy

Interests: We are looking for new opportunities to further expand our business by creating synergies.
Background: We are an Italian tech company with a strong presence in the automation & robotics, plastics, IT, building energy efficiency, and precision medicine sectors.
8.6 / 10
Europe + 4 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 16 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 11 Mn
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Interests: Innovative online business, e-commerce, applications and similar.
Background: I am from Italy. Actually, I am running an e-commerce, but I am looking to invest in other businesses to diversify the risks. I would be interesting to discuss with you the possibility of cooperation and investing in the business.
7.9 / 10
Europe + 6 more
Commercial Real Estate + 11 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 21.4 K
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General Manager, Automations

Individual Buyer in Italy

Interests: Business should be flexible, owner operated, have innovative product or an idea, well managed company and trained staff.
Background: Have over 16 years of experience in automation domain. Also have worked in various roles in the IT industry. Looking to start my own business.
7.2 / 10
Brescia + 1 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 67 K
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Interests: I am looking for a business that is established. The business should be in Italy, as I am familiar with the location of Italy.
Background: I run a fashion tech company. After closing my factory, I am searching for new business opportunities.
6.6 / 10
Brescia + 1 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 22 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 44 K
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Interests: Interested in any business which may or may not be operational. It can be anywhere in Italy as our clients are based in Italy.
Background: We are an Italian financial advisory company that provides services for Italian SME and advisors. We do not charge any upfront fees. We charge retainer and success fees.
8.2 / 10
Italy + 32 more
Commercial Real Estate + 70 more
Investment Size
USD 55 K - 22 Mn
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Interests: Looking for Hotel/Resort in Italy. 5 or 4 stars. Minimum 100 rooms. Location Rome, Venice, Milan, Sardinia.
Background: I am an independent advisor with more than 15 years of experience in several fields. I help in the buying and selling of businesses. I do not charge upfront fees. I charge 3% success fee.
6.5 / 10
Italy + 22 more
Commercial Land + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 38 Mn - 110 Mn
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Manager, Real Estate Agency

Corporate Investor in Padua, Italy

Interests: Businesses with innovative and artisan projects, that lean to a high quality of life and work.
Background: We are an Italian real estate agency, specializing in sales and trading of real estate. Interested in expansion.
8.7 / 10
Italy + 1 more
Commercial Real Estate + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 88 K
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Director, Business Consulting

Corporate Acquirer in Rome, Italy

Interests: Looking at investing and/or acquiring full ownership of small to medium-sized businesses with positive cash flows that can be further improved by expanding the business and/or improving the operations.
Background: Former experience in two global automotive players and in a leading football club across different markets. Held positions in procurement, product distribution, customer satisfaction, and operations with P&L responsibility. Global background through experiences in Australia, the USA, China, Spain, France, and Italy. Currently active in Italy, the UAE, and Australia with ownership of family-run businesses in different industries.
6.9 / 10
Italy + 2 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 7 more
Investment Size
USD 33 K - 273 K
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Partner, Engineering And Architecture Firm

Corporate Acquirer in Monopoli, Italy

Interests: We are interested in investing in businesses that operate in the energy, technology, building, construction, and maintenance sectors. We are particularly drawn to opportunities in Italy, as we are familiar with these locations. Interested in businesses that are functional and well-located.
Background: We operate an engineering and architecture firm. We bring extensive experience in project management, design, and strategic planning. We are looking for opportunities to expand.
7.8 / 10
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 3 more
Investment Size
USD 22 K - 166 K
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Interests: Integration with our existing business or new opportunities.
Background: Owner and CEO of the company in Italy. We are in the processing of stainless steel and aluminium sheet metal. We are interested in Italy, Turkey and Serbia locations for expansion.
7.6 / 10
Italy + 2 more
Building, Construction and Maintenance + 2 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.07 Mn
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  • How many commercial land investors in Brescia are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 446 active and verified commercial land investors in Brescia listed on SMERGERS as of 21 September 2024.
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