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Where can I advertise my business for sale for free?

There are several free businesses for sale listing websites which let you advertise your business for sale for free. But being able to post online for free should not be the most important parameter one should worry about. Not all websites provide a great experience to you as a business owner who is looking to sell your business. It is important for you to manage your time and energy efficiently rather than wasting it with fake buyer enquiries. Many of them just enquire to get information without providing correct details of who they are and their interests. 

On SMERGERS you can advertise your business for sale for free, but there is a mandatory 1% finders fee which is payable post transaction closure. SMERGERS ensures that all business investors/buyers go through a basic verification and feedback process so you have a good experience when you connect with them. Additionally, there are premium plans which let you accelerate the process of selling your business by giving you higher visibility on the website and hence a better chance of finding potential investors/buyers fast. To advertise your business for sale for free get started by filling business details here.

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