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Rail Service Business Buyers in Greater Poland Voivodeship

Showing 15 - 28 of 360 Rail Service Business Buyers in Greater Poland Voivodeship. Sell your Rail Service Business.

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  • Greater Poland Voivodeship

  • Business Buyers

Director, Investment Firm

Corporate Acquirer in Qormi, Malta

Interests: Interested in a business which has a solid business model. The business should be in Europe, as we operate our business in Europe.
Background: We are a family owned business. We are active in various fields such as automobile, retail and so on. We are looking to expand our portfolio.
8.2 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 22 Mn
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CEO, Management Consulting And M&A

Individual Buyer in Mellieħa, Malta

Interests: I am mostly interested in acquiring businesses within the technological sectors like enterprise software, energy, and finance, while having specifications such as scalability, profitability, sufficient market capability, adequately iterated business development analysis and robust leadership. The business should be in Europe, as I am familiar with the European market.
Background: I am a lawyer by profession and have worked in the M&A industry for the past 20 years. I am looking for opportunities to grow further.
7.4 / 10
Logistics + 9 more
Investment Size
USD 53 K - 2.14 Mn
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Finance Head, Pharmaceutical

Individual Buyer in Siggiewi, Malta

Interests: I am looking to invest in small businesses with potential for growth and success. My interests span a wide range of industries, including energy, technology, finance, retail, and more. With careful research and a strategic approach, I am confident I can find the right fit for my investment portfolio.
Background: I am a qualified accountant working as a finance manager experienced in the aviation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries. I am an experienced investor who knows how to identify the right investments and maximize returns. I also have a strong understanding of financial markets and trends, enabling me to make prudent decisions and create sound strategies.
7.5 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 164 K
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Finance Head, Pharmaceutical

Individual Buyer in Siggiewi, Malta

Interests: I am looking to invest in small businesses with potential for growth and success. My interests span a wide range of industries, including energy, technology, finance, retail, and more. With careful research and a strategic approach, I am confident I can find the right fit for my investment portfolio.
Background: I am a qualified accountant working as a finance manager experienced in the aviation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries. I am an experienced investor who knows how to identify the right investments and maximize returns. I also have a strong understanding of financial markets and trends, enabling me to make prudent decisions and create sound strategies.
7.5 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 164 K
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Lead Competence Support, Information Technology

Individual Buyer in Rabat, Malta

Interests: - Looking to invest in an active business that has a good track. - I will invest to the best of my ability. - I will also assist management with advice if needed or else be a silent investor. - Would require the business model and accounting books.
Background: I love start-ups, challenges, and helping people. In my experience of over 10 years in the IT field, I have always loved to help people. I am looking for investment opportunities mainly in Malta but I am open to other European countries as well so that I do not limit my options. I am residing in Malta but used to live in Lithuania & still need to get a local number.
5.8 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 44 K
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Interests: We are interested in providing funding to startup programs and companies across a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and energy. We are particularly focused on opportunities that require investments of up to 500,000 euros. We are looking for businesses in Europe, as our clients are based here.
Background: We are a business consultancy firm. We provide services in M&A and various domains. We provide our services in Europe. We charge upfront fees and success fees.
9.3 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 25 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 550 K
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Maintenance Team Manager, IT & Engineering

Individual Buyer in Bavaria, Germany

Interests: I would like to evaluate several business. I have experience in hospitality, information technologies, defence and space.
Background: I am an experienced engineer with an MBA.
8.4 / 10
Logistics + 28 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 K - 550 K
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External Relations Trainee, International Affairs

Individual Buyer in Mersin Province, Turkey

Interests: I am an active investor who is seeking to invest in a company generating a profit margin of 25%.
Background: I am from Turkey and working in Europe for over a year. I also have 2 years of work experience in Istanbul, Turkey.
8.1 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Logistics + 20 more
Investment Size
USD 37 - 1.11 K
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Interests: Real Estate, International Trade, Financial Advisory Services, Telecom, IT and Automation.
Background: Bulgarian company providing advisory services to local and international investors in the area of commercial real estate, telecoms, automation, food, beverages, fertilizers etc.
8.5 / 10
Europe + 1 more
Logistics + 13 more
Investment Size
USD 55 K - 110 K
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Owner, Investments & Consulting

Individual Buyer in Vienna, Austria

Interests: Business should have a turnover of EUR 1 million to EUR 15 million. Should be profitable, cash flow positive and have 5-10-year track record.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur and consultant that have built and participated in building several companies. I have long experience in making transactions and/or scaling and preparing businesses in the SME space for exits. I look to assist and/or acquire successful and well-established cash flow positive companies in Europe and the United States. The main goal is to achieve a significant value increase as a consultant (2-5x exit value increase within 12-24 months), or to acquire cash flow positive businesses with straightforward business models and where there is a chance to take the business to the next level with my and my team's expertise.
9.5 / 10
Poland + 75 more
Logistics + 128 more
Investment Size
USD 550 K - 11 Mn
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Managing Partner, Arietes Capital & Real Estate Management GmbH

M&A Advisor in Vienna, Austria

Interests: - For our clients from the real estate, real estate development, technology and manufacturing industries we are looking for investors who are interested to provide senior loans, junior loans, mezzanine capital or who are interested in respective joint venture structures. - In parallel we are looking for new clients from these industries who are looking for investors for their businesses.
Background: We are an advisory company with a vast client base in Europe. Our services extend to sectors like real estate, technology and manufacturing. We do not charge any upfront fee. Our success fee lies between 3% to 5%.
7.5 / 10
Poland + 13 more
Logistics + 14 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 55 Mn
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Managing Director, Zachert Private Equity (Zachert Private Equity GmbH)

PE Firm in Grünheide (Mark), Germany

Interests: A sale of a subsidiary that no longer fits the strategy is mostly more efficient than its independent liquidation. This is the case whenever liquidation costs are higher than the income from the sale of assets. A potential conflict with employees, the works council or labour unions will also be omitted. A sale can also be used for an advantage in the press (Independent continuation of business while preserving jobs was made possible through the sale” versus “job loss and protests on the factory shut- down). We can realize deals within several weeks. We generally take majority shareholdings, as we want to share as active shareholders in shaping the development of the companies under our management and also want to be able to act in a potential crisis situation. Our target companies ideally fulfil the following participation criteria: • Excellent market position in a niche market. • Company background with a long tradition, leading in terms of the band and/or products. • Exclusively “old economy”, preferably with corporate group history. • Experienced management team or the tangible possibility to install such Additionally, there should be an experienced employee base with low fluctuation. • The operative business continues, high fluctuation among customers and/or suppliers has not begun yet. • Sales revenues of 10 million euro or more are earned, the financial result is making a loss and a restructuring process has not been initiated yet.
Background: We take over incorporated companies with negative contribution margins for the short term from corporate groups or owners, who do not want to get involved in restructuring efforts of their own. We apply a cross-sectoral and cross-border approach, even for complex international takeovers and initial situations. It can be expected based on our special focus on loss-making companies that the implementation will be swift, professional and discrete. Among our investors are select single family offices, private investors and private equity funds. Transactions can be reviewed on short notice and be realized by means of equity. The registered office of the company is located in Grünheide (Mark), 45 minutes away from the centre of Berlin and in Manhattan (New York).
9.2 / 10
Europe + 10 more
Logistics + 35 more
Investment Size
USD 55 K - 13 Mn
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Owner, Industrial Waste Processing

Individual Buyer in Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Interests: I am looking for a business with growth potential and an ROI of 15% and more. I will invest in my personal capacity.
Background: I would like to move to Europe because of war in my country. I am a business owner and engaged in construction, iron ore mining, and charging stations for EVs in Ukraine.
8.7 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Logistics + 27 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 5.5 Mn
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Owner, Management, Real Estate

Individual Buyer in Zagreb, Croatia

Interests: I am an individual investor/buyer interested in investing in established businesses in a variety of industries in Europe, particularly in Croatia. These businesses should have been on the market for a few years, and have stable clients, and a solid ROI. Companies whose owners are looking to retire are also attractive.
Background: I am an experienced owner with experience in management, real estate, facility management, and maintenance. I have experience in various types of properties, such as shopping centers, hotels, and commercial and residential buildings.
9 / 10
Europe + 2 more
Logistics + 21 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.86 Mn
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Market Research Analyst, Synthetic Rubbers

Corporate Acquirer in Nicosia, Cyprus

Interests: Looking for a business that would leverage our profits. Expecting a high ROI margin. We are open to opportunities across the country because we are planning to expand our operations.
Background: Cyprus based business that is into the sales and distribution of synthetic rubbers.
8.9 / 10
Europe + 7 more
Logistics + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 1.1 Mn - 22 Mn
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