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Semiconductor Equipment Investors in Tokyo

Showing 1 - 14 of 333 Semiconductor Equipment Investors in Tokyo. Buy or Sell your Semiconductor Equipment, Semiconductor Equipment Wholesaler, Semiconductor Machine or a Semiconductor Testing Business.

  • Semiconductor Equipment

  • Tokyo

Senior Director, Asia Procurement & Operations, Electronics

Individual Investor in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: Looking to invest in an innovative start up idea that has a strong business model and need funding to scale. Interested in multiple disciplines in food and beverages, health care and software services with Cloud based platforms.
Background: Working professional having over 18 years of experience. Expertise in supply chain management and managing large organizations.
7.7 / 10
Tokyo + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 7 K - 140 K
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CEO, Healthcare Consulting

Individual Buyer in Koto City, Japan

Interests: Interested in pharmaceutical, biotechnology startups, financials and technology businesses in South Asia.
Background: Partner of a healthcare consulting company. Healthcare and Technology professional for the last 11 years. Looking to invest in a business in India and other Asian countries.
9.9 / 10
Tokyo + 45 more
Technology + 66 more
Investment Size
USD 7 K - 350 K
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Technology Executive, Technology

Individual Investor in Minato, Japan

Interests: When evaluating a business for investment, acquisition, or advisory roles, I focus on a strong value proposition, scalability, solid financial health, effective leadership, competitive market positioning, and positive social and environmental impact.
Background: I seek to strategically expand my business portfolio beyond my existing ventures as an individual investor. With a robust background in technology and an MBA, I bring a deep understanding of the industry’s evolving landscape and a keen eye for identifying high-growth opportunities. My investment focus is particularly directed toward dynamic markets in Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore, where I see significant potential for innovation and expansion. Currently based in Japan, I am well-positioned to leverage local insights and regional trends to make informed, impactful investment decisions. I aim to partner with forward-thinking businesses that align with my strategic vision and values, fostering long-term success and sustainable growth across these vibrant economies.
8.7 / 10
Tokyo + 3 more
Technology + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 6.8 K - 101 K
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Technology Executive, Technology

Individual Investor in Minato, Japan

Interests: When evaluating a business for investment, acquisition, or advisory roles, I focus on a strong value proposition, scalability, solid financial health, effective leadership, competitive market positioning, and positive social and environmental impact.
Background: I seek to strategically expand my business portfolio beyond my existing ventures as an individual investor. With a robust background in technology and an MBA, I bring a deep understanding of the industry’s evolving landscape and a keen eye for identifying high-growth opportunities. My investment focus is particularly directed toward dynamic markets in Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore, where I see significant potential for innovation and expansion. Currently based in Japan, I am well-positioned to leverage local insights and regional trends to make informed, impactful investment decisions. I aim to partner with forward-thinking businesses that align with my strategic vision and values, fostering long-term success and sustainable growth across these vibrant economies.
8.7 / 10
Tokyo + 3 more
Technology + 6 more
Investment Size
USD 6.8 K - 101 K
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CEO, Hospitality Services

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: I am interested in businesses in the food & beverage, retail, and education industries in Tokyo. I am looking for businesses with a bright future, high profitability, and the potential for me to add value and use my experience and contacts to expand the business.
Background: I am an experienced CEO in the hospitality services industry. I am adept at making sound investments that generate high returns. I will invest in my personal capacity.
6.8 / 10
Technology + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 203 K
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Founder, Digital Marketing

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: I am looking forward to invest in small businesses of Japan that operate in a niche field and require digital marketing or technological development. I am also interested in overseas product-based businesses that want to enter the Japan market and are looking for partner/investor.
Background: I have 13 years of experience as an entrepreneur. I have built 8 companies primarily in the startup space and currently, I run a digital agency helping businesses bridge across Japan and Southeast Asia.
9 / 10
Japan + 1 more
Technology + 23 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 300 K
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Partner, Business Consulting

Individual Buyer in Chuo City, Japan

Interests: Innovative business / growth potential / problem statement addressed / strong founder.
Background: I am a partner with a global consulting firm and also a start-up investor.
6.6 / 10
Chuo City
Technology + 4 more
Investment Size
USD 66 K - 660 K
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Software Engineering Lead, Electronics Manufacturer

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: Number of users, EBITDA, revenue, and physical assets. I am interested in investing in companies that are focused on ed-tech. Open to other industries such as SaaS, EdTech, and B2C businesses.
Background: I work as a software engineer in an electronics manufacturing firm. My preferred locations are Singapore, Tokyo, and India because I am from India, live in Tokyo, and plan to relocate to Singapore in the future.
6.6 / 10
Tokyo + 2 more
Technology + 3 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 70 K
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Senior Advisor, Business Consultancy

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: I am looking for established businesses in the freight & logistics, apparel stores, electronic equipment, energy, industrial, finance, healthcare, technology, building, construction and maintenance, food & beverage, retail shops, education, logistics, media, travel & leisure, textiles and business services industries, based in Tokyo with good potential for growth.
Background: I am a senior advisor in a business consultancy firm. I have a proven track record of success in helping companies optimize their operations and maximize their return on investment.
5.8 / 10
Technology + 16 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1.34 Mn
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Representative, Business & IT Consulting

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: - Stable revenue and profit. - Eager to expand. - Allow participation in operation and management.
Background: Experience in the finance and insurance industry with regional exposure in Asia.
5.9 / 10
Technology + 2 more
Investment Size
USD 6.5 K - 32 K
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Interests: Business with good sustainability and viable. Interested in digital business, software, renewable energy, textile and trading. Would like to invest in joint business.
Background: I have experience in the IT sector. My preferred locations are Tokyo and Yokohama Japan because I have good connections.
5.8 / 10
Tokyo + 1 more
Technology + 4 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.5 K
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Company Director, Staffing Services

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: Looking for an established businesses in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong since I have connections and offices there.
Background: I am Interested to connect and would like to see the business plan and operations.
7.7 / 10
Japan + 3 more
Technology + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 960 K
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Owner, Consulting And Investment

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: Business model, management, current debt, profitability, future growth and brand name.
Background: Owner and an investor having international experience and reach out to other investors and businesses in Japan.
7.2 / 10
Japan + 4 more
Technology + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 7 K - 350 K
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Director - Financial Solutions, Insurance

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: Running & profitable business with details of assets, accounts, and liabilities. Interested in both established businesses and startups.
Background: I work in an insurance company and have more than 15 years of experience. Looking for businesses in Japan, Canada, Spain, France and Hong Kong for growth opportunities.
7.9 / 10
Japan + 4 more
Technology + 10 more
Investment Size
USD 14 K - 420 K
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Export Manager, Vehicle Export

Individual Buyer in Tokyo, Japan

Interests: I am interested in contacting the owner. I have plans to move to Ajijic and want to set up a business. I have space to set up the outlet. I want to start a logistics business.
Background: I work as a manager in an vehicle export company.
6.4 / 10
Japan + 5 more
Technology + 9 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 200 K
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